Supporting Unpaid Carers, a free elearning resource for all carers - elearning for healthcare
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Supporting Unpaid Carers, a free elearning resource for all carers

Rachel Gowland, 13 August 2021
Supporting Unpaid Carers

Health Education England elearning for Healthcare (HEE elfh) with Health Education England, Carers UK and Agylia Care developed an elearning resource for unpaid carers.

The Supporting Unpaid Carers programme is free to access and aims to support carers with bite-size elearning sessions and downloadable resources. Specialist resources on topics such as infection prevention and end of life care require registration and they are free to access.

By completing our evaluation survey, your feedback will help us to assess the effectiveness of the elearning programme and develop new sessions for the programme.

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elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies