Volunteer Learning -
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This programme is in partnership with...
  • NHS England partnership logo

About the Volunteer Learning programme

This programme was created as part of the National Volunteering Certificate (NVC). This programme has now closed, however the modules remain here for the use of volunteers within health.

Additional learning for volunteers in specific roles

There are also a small number of optional modules which have been developed to support volunteers in specific roles.

Other resources which you may be interested in:

Make Every Contact Count

Make Every Contact Count (MECC) enables the delivery of consistent and concise health and wellbeing information and encourages individuals to engage in conversations about their health at scale across organisations and populations.

The fundamental idea underpinning the MECC approach is simple. It recognises that staff across health and care, local authority and voluntary sectors have thousands of contacts every day with individuals and are ideally placed to support health and wellbeing.

MECC is intended for anyone who has contact with people to “Make Every Contact Count” and develop public health knowledge.



For further information about volunteering, please e-mail england.volunteering@nhs.net


How to access

This Volunteer Learning content is free to accesusing any email address.  Registration is required to enable users to track their learning, provide feedback on sessions and retain certificates of completion.

Register >

If you already have an account with elfh, then you can enrol on to the Volunteer Learning content by logging in to the elfh Hub, selecting My Account > Enrolment and selecting the programme. You can then access the programme immediately in the My elearning section.

If you are new to elfh, you can register via the Register button at the top of the page.

Access from other Learning Management Systems

The National Volunteer Certificate elearning sessions are supported by the AICC communication standard. This allows for remote Learning Management Systems (LMS) to launch the sessions from the elfh content server as if they were loaded locally. Enrolment and tracking of usage is retained at the organisation’s LMS. If your local LMS supports AICC, please contact our support desk and we will provide you with the relevant links and instructions to set up courses.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies