Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag training now available  - elearning for healthcare
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Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag training now available 

Vanessa Bassnett, 20 May 2024
Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag training now available 

Colleagues working across health and social care services can now access free training to implement the Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag – helping it to become part of a standard approach to treatment. 

 The Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag is a national record held on the Spine (National Care Records Service). It enables staff to record, share and view details of any reasonable adjustment that a person may need, wherever they are accessing health or care services.  

The new online training takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes to complete and will help colleagues to address health inequalities and make a real difference to the lives of people living with a disability or impairment. 

Reasonable adjustments enable fair and equitable access to services and are the responsibility of everyone working in health and social care. The training explains how the digital flag supports everybody to deliver their obligations under both the Equality Act (2010), and the Information Standard that was published under the Health and Social Care Act.  

It may be helpful to consider undertaking this learning alongside The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism, as well as sessions on the Accessible Information Standard and Mental Capacity Act. 

Visit the NHS Learning Hub to find out more and to access the training for free. 



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