e-Learning launched for NHS staff about raising concerns - elearning for healthcare
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e-Learning launched for NHS staff about raising concerns

Frankie, 19 July 2016
e-Learning launched for NHS staff about raising concerns

Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) team has developed an elearning session to equip healthcare staff with the knowledge and confidence to raise concerns.

In response to concerns about culture in the NHS, the Secretary of State for Health commissioned Sir Robert Francis to carry out an independent review.  The review recommended that every NHS organisation should provide training on the value of speaking up which complies with national standards.

This elearning session will act as a helpful resource to current and future healthcare staff by promoting all relevant policies, procedures, best practice and available support in relation to raising concerns. It teaches NHS staff the value of speaking up and highlights what support is available. Speaking up about wrongdoing at the earliest opportunity can save lives, prevent harm and protect organisational reputation.

In addition two education and training films have been developed – “Raising Concerns” and “Responding to Concerns.”  The films, which complement the elearning, support healthcare professionals to feel empowered to raise and respond to concerns.

To access the elearning session visit: http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/freedom-to-speak-up/

To view the films visit: http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/freedom-to-speak-up/additional-resources/

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elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies