The NHS England TEL team launched Becoming Simulation Faculty (BSF) as a national blended learning programme to support the professional development of simulation educators, practitioners, technicians and managers in health and care. Over 5000 people have now enrolled since its launch.
The programme delivers a national approach to simulation faculty development, enhancing professional capabilities and supporting continuing professional development of multi-disciplinary teams.
Co-designed and authored with experts from across the simulation community in the UK, BSF addresses the current variability in professional development opportunities across the country, ensures equitable access to learning and enhances simulation and immersive learning practices at scale.
It aligns with the ambitions of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, the Educator Workforce Strategy and the National Safety Syllabus by supporting hybrid education and workforce development, ensuring high-quality, safe care delivery.
The programme is running a core course (6 theory-based online elearning topics and a face-to-face workshop) throughout 2024. Topics include Educational Theory in Simulation Based Education (SBE), Creating a Simulated Learning Environment and Debriefing and Feedback. From 2025 the course will be extended to cover advanced learning opportunities such as Simulated Patients and Developing the simulation technician. To date, we have delivered successful workshops in 2 of the 8 regions of England, with several more planned over the coming months. Feedback from recent delegates has been excellent;
“A really great day and thought provoking, thank you!”
“The activities were really helpful and very relevant”
Find out more about the Becoming Simulation Faculty programme and enrol by visiting our webpage or contact the team for more information.