November 2023 - elearning for healthcare
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Archive for November, 2023

New video assessment of stroke elearning now available

Posted on: November 30th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning session to support a lifesaving ‘on the spot’ stroke diagnosis service has been developed for ambulance crews and stroke specialists.

The clinical video assessment for stroke (CVAS) model allows ambulance crews to video call stroke physicians to discuss and assess potential stroke patients. This approach accelerates treatment options for time-sensitive conditions such as thrombolysis and thrombectomy by making sure the patient is promptly transferred to the right facility for treatment, such as a hyperacute stroke unit (HASU), a local emergency department.

This elearning introduces the priorities of the CVAS service and helps stroke clinicians to confidently perform CVAS assessments, recognise important presentation patterns and avoid common pitfalls so that patients can be treated in the most time efficient and focused way.

There will be a short assessment at the end of the 20-minute session which must be passed to allow the training to be completed.

To find out more and access the elearning, please visit the CVAS programme page.

TEL News Nov 23

Posted on: November 30th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Our latest edition of TEL News includes details of the new Immersive, Simulation and Related Technologies Dynamic Purchasing System and new elearning on topics including modern slavery, chronic breathlessness, and Makaton training.

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Makaton training available for nurses

Posted on: November 29th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new elearning resource for nurses to develop their understanding of Makaton and learn basic Makaton signs, has been added to the NHS Learning Hub.

The training provides information about the different ways in which people communicate, and how nurses need to consider these different options when caring for people. It also provides key techniques and tips to use as nurses to improve our communication skills, and provides resources that will help us as nurses to learn skills to effectively provide care for people with different communication needs and styles

By the end of the session, learners will know:

  • how to better support patients who have communication difficulties
  • how Makaton uses speech, signs and symbols as a means of communication and how to apply it in the workplace
  • some basic vocabulary to start their Makaton journey
  • how to access further information, training and support through the Makaton website

It has been developed by NHS England and The Makaton Charity and is available free of charge for all nursing staff.

For more information, please visit the Makaton Training for Nurses webpage.

New elearning on Safeguarding adult victims of modern slavery, human trafficking & exploitation

Posted on: November 27th, 2023 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

NHS safeguarding leads can access new e-learning created to support safe, accurate and strategic leadership and decision-making for suspected cases of modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation.

Modern Slavery – Human Trafficking (MSHT) has profound implications for the physical, mental, and sexual health of victims both during and after exploitation. Evidence shows that when victims present in healthcare services, healthcare professionals aren’t always equipped to know how best to support them.

Safeguarding leads are required to provide calm, clear and strategic leadership for complex cases and this training will enable them to offer the appropriate support to frontline healthcare professionals.

Module includes:

  • Role and guidance for adult safeguarding leads
  • The Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline
  • Following a case
  • Support, summary and resources

Available on NHS Learning Hub

Access it here:

Launch of the national Becoming Simulation Faculty

Posted on: November 17th, 2023 by Nicola Kipling No Comments

TEL’s Simulation and Immersive Technologies programme team has successfully launched the national Becoming Simulation Faculty project at the annual Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) conference.

A workshop was held for conference delegates and stakeholders to discuss how the programme can be integrated into their local workforce educator development programmes, including exploration of how the face-to-face workshop can be configured to local faculty requirements and scheduled to promote equity of access across regional networks.

The Becoming Simulation Faculty blended learning programme is a key TEL deliverable to support the Long-Term Workforce Plan and the team is working closely with regional simulation leads and networks to embed the core course into existing faculty development work. This requirement is driven by the need to address the significant growth in use of simulation and immersive technologies, which promises to revolutionise health and care education along with the potential to deliver significant efficiencies compared to traditional classroom-based approaches.

The significant growth in use of immersive technologies is beginning to revolutionise healthcare education, and in 2023/24 we will continue to support their adoption. Technologies such as extended reality, combined with virtual learning environments, can support hybrid education and provides unique and innovate ways to help prepare the workforce to deliver high quality, safe care. During 2024/25 we will further expand the Virtual Hybrid Learning Faculty and national Simulation Faculty development programmes.

The programme is designed support colleagues across healthcare organisations as they explore the basics of education and learning with simulation and immersive learning approaches, and to provide a platform on which further local workforce educator development can be based. After completing the programme, colleagues will have a recognised credential that they can carry with them as they might move from one organisation to another.

The training will help educators, health professionals and technicians to design and deliver simulation to underpin growth in education capacity, including the increased use of immersive learning technologies and blended learning approaches.

The Core Course of Becoming Simulation Faculty consists of 6 eLearning topics and a face-to-face workshop which have been authored by a multi professional expert community. The elearning topics will be released in their entirety by early 2024, with the face-to-face workshops taking place later in 2024.

To find out more and access the training, please visit the Becoming Simulation Faculty programme page.

Primary care patient safety elearning now live

Posted on: November 15th, 2023 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Primary Care professionals in health and care can access new modules of the Patient Safety Syllabus training elearning sessions on the elfh portal which have been tailored to the specific needs of their profession.

The training supports thinking differently about what patient safety means and making healthcare even safer with patient safety case studies covering good practice, human factors, risk, systems thinking and safety culture. There is a certificate of completion for each case study.

Content for both Levels 1 and 2 of the syllabus training have been updated and include improvements to usability, interactivity, and navigation and a certificate of completion and five sector specific patient safety case studies in total for Mental Health, Maternity, Healthcare mangers and administrative staff care, Primary Care and Acute Care.

All updates to the content and functionality have been made in response to feedback from users. There is also a self-assessment for the Access to Practice module which learners must pass to move on to the sector-specific sessions and a Certificate of completion for each case study area.

Patient safety is a collective responsibility and a key priority for health and care. This training is available to anyone NHS and Health care staff and supports the NHS Patient Safety Strategy, emphasising a proactive approach to identifying risks to safe care.

Primary Care session content covers:

  • What is primary care?
  • Is primary care safe?
  • Where does it go wrong for patients in primary care?
  • Systems thinking in primary care – making local safety improvements
  • Risk management in primary care – are we proactive or reactive?
  • Human factors in primary care – staff well-being and a look at safe communications
  • Safety culture in primary care – get a conversation started

More information about the Patient Safety Syllabus training and how to access to the elearning modules can be found here:

What you need to know about the Learning Hub

Posted on: November 14th, 2023 by Vanessa Bassnett No Comments

Work is underway to migrate the content from elearning for healthcare (elfh) and Digital Learning Solutions (DLS) onto the Learning Hub (LH). This will provide a unified platform and single point of access for all learning for all health and social care staff and is set out in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.

Different programmes have different needs, and we have been working through our new commissions and existing content to understand individual requirements and ensure they are accommodated on the LH. We appreciate your patience and support while we add new programmes and update the functionality of the LH over the next few months and will keep you updated on the progress of the developments.

Here are some Learning Hub FAQs which will provide some helpful context about this work:

What is the Learning Hub?

The Learning Hub is the national digital learning platform providing easy access to a wide range of educational resources and support for the health and care workforce and educators. Organisations can contribute and share a wide variety of self-managed content, knowledge and learning resources including elearning, articles, videos, images and more.

The platform also offers individuals access to specialist resources to support their education and professional development locally, regionally and nationally with the ability to track and evidence their learning and activity.

What is the difference between the Learning Hub and elearning for healthcare?

The Learning Hub has greater platform capability and the latest technology, offering a better experience for users, and aligning to government digital standards. It can support a wider range of content including accredited elearning and self-managed content, knowledge and learning resources which are contributed and self-managed by individuals and organisations.

The elfh platform hosts more than 500 elearning resources but it has always been the intention to migrate the content from elfh and DLS onto the Learning Hub to provide a unified platform and single point of access for all learning for health and care learners and educators.

Both platforms feature content developed in partnership with professional bodies, including Royal Colleges and associations, NHS organisations, charities and other health and care experts to ensure we are supporting the latest developments in clinical care, research and professional development. Other content on the Learning Hub has been developed, uploaded and is self managed by individuals and organisations.

What is happening to the elfh platform and existing content?

TEL is committed to working closely with our partners to provide the best possible learning experience for users. Content on the elfh Hub will gradually migrate into the Learning Hub to provide a unified platform and single point of access for all learning for NHS and social care staff. This is to support growth in platform capability as the Learning Hub delivers the latest technology, offers a better experience for users, and aligns to government digital standards.

When will my current elfh programme be migrated to LH?

There is a roadmap which sets out the planned development work for our platforms which includes new and migrated content and updating and developing the functionality of the Learning Hub.

We will discuss any changes or required actions with partners and stakeholders before any changes are made to the platforms and/or content.

In the short to medium term there will be no change for stakeholders or users accessing existing elfh content and courses, and any changes that are made will be communicated in advance.

How can I access the Learning Hub?

To join the Learning Hub, sign up using your email address

If you have an existing elfh login then this can be used on the Learning Hub without the need to re-register through our single sign-on option. The same can be done with an OpenAthens account.

Work is underway to enable universal access to all the health and care sector and will be completed this autumn. We will contact all stakeholders to let them know the schedule for this work and support with any actions they may have to manage access for their users.

There are options to link elearning content via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and AICC is available for elfh-developed content hosted on the LH. In the future we aim to extend this as an option to enable for any elearning content contributed to the LH.

Existing OpenAthens users can use their account details to access the elfh Hub and the LH.





Good communication: Foundation update (November 2023)

Posted on: November 2nd, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your November 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on good communication.

From discussing issues such as treatment risks or organ donation with patients; to breaking bad news or supporting the bereavement process, communication skills are key to your success as a doctor. The following sessions aim to support you to sell your diagnosis, your treatment, and most of all yourself, to your patients.


The sessions cover areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 1: Clinical Assessment

FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation

FPC 3: Holistic Planning

FPC 4: Communication and Care

FPC 5: Continuity of Care

FPC 6: Sharing the Vision

FPC 8: Upholding Values

FPC 11: Ethics and Law

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO).

The online training has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training.

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.


The 6th edition of the NHS SCRIPT Foundation Doctor safe prescribing elearning programme is due for release in 2024.

Freely available to all Foundation Schools across the UK, the new edition celebrates the 12th year since SCRIPT was launched and now contains over 100 elearning modules covering prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management.  The latest edition also includes new and extended modules, an updated user interface and extended functionality for the transfer of SCRIPT competencies from medical schools to a foundation doctor’s respective Foundation School.

Please contact Dr. Nic Blackwell at for further details on the new edition as well as to schedule in the free upgrade for your Foundation School.

Continuing professional development opportunities for learning disability nurses

Posted on: November 1st, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

This year, Learning Disability Nurses Day is a double celebration for us as it also marks six months since the launch of a bespoke training package for learning disability nurses called the Learning Disability Nursing CPD Award.

The response to the training so far has been brilliant as almost 2,000 people have already registered to use it. If you haven’t already tried it, you can access the training for free on the NHS Learning Hub and we hope that it will support you in your career. We want the training to be as meaningful and valuable as possible for you, so please do complete the evaluation survey at the end of the training as well, to let us know what you think of it.

Covering the core principles of the profession, the training aims to help resolve any gaps in knowledge that colleagues already practicing may have; and it can also be used as an introduction to learning disability nursing for any healthcare professional with an interest in the area. The training can also help prepare you for specialising in key areas as it includes modules on inpatient settings, community, forensic and intensive support settings, as well as primary and acute care liaison.

This fantastic step forward is part of work to advance a dedicated career structure for learning disability nursing. The training supports the delivery of the All England Plan for Learning Disability Nursing, and aims to support those thinking about a career in this profession, as well as those in training and those currently working as a learning disability nurse.

Learning disability nurses are one of the most diverse and adaptable professional groups, working in a variety of settings and roles, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you for the care and support that you provide every day.

Discussing the training, David Harling, National Deputy Director for Learning Disability Nursing at NHS England, said:

“The launch of the new Learning Disability Nursing Continuing Professional Development Award signals an important marker in both the evolution and investment in our profession. For over 100 years learning disability nurses have been providing expert care to people with learning disabilities and their families, and the advent of this programme will enable them to further their knowledge and skills.

“The programme has been created by learning disability nurses working in a variety of specialist areas of care and we hope it will become one of requisite benchmarks supporting specific roles, be this within job descriptions or as part of the learning disability nursing career framework.”

Ellie Gordon, Senior Nurse; Autism, Learning Disability and Mental Health at NHS England, said:

 “It has been a real pleasure to be part of this piece of work. Collaborating with learning disability nurses to progress from an ‘ask’ to a programme of continuing professional development that not only supports knowledge development, but also provides tools and resources to enhance nursing specific skills.

“When we first launched the All England plan for Learning disability nursing back in 2020, we had a clear vision that we not only needed to attract more people into learning disability nursing, but we also needed to develop those nurses who specialised in this area. We also knew that to develop such specialist nurses we would have to develop something that really spoke to nurses and nursing, and which showed how much we value and appreciate all that these great nurses do. I really feel that with this training we have started to do just that, and I look forward to continuing to work with learning disability nurses to develop and grow this great profession.”

Access the training

You can find out more and access the training now on the NHS Learning Hub.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies