December 2017 - elearning for healthcare
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Archive for December, 2017

TEL News December 2017

Posted on: December 28th, 2017 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

TEL News is your monthly update keeping you up to speed with all that is Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in Healthcare. TEL NEWs includes information from Health Education England’s (HEE) TEL Programme team, the elearning for healthcare Programme, elearning and Simulation Leads across the local offices and other updates we think you’ll find useful.

Click the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.

Neurophysiology module now live as part of Ophthalmology programme

Posted on: December 22nd, 2017 by Alex Tytko No Comments

A new elearning module has now gone live on Neurophysiology as part of the Ophthalmology programme – Eye-Site. This course provides information on the principal visual electrophysiology techniques, describing how each probes the underlying physiology and anatomy, and how they can be used in diagnosis and monitoring of ophthalmic disease.

On completion of the course you will be able to describe which areas of the visual system are tested by the common electrophysical investigations, demonstrate an understanding of how visual electrophysiology tests complement other investigations in the clinical setting and recognise situations where visual electrophysiology tests are likely to make a useful contribution to the clinical care setting.

Please visit: for more information about this programme.

Alex Tytko
Head of Education and Training Department

Routine maintenance

Posted on: December 16th, 2017 by Andy Dowden No Comments

Please note that the elearning for healthcare (elfh) Hub will be unavailable from 8:00am on Tuesday 19 December 2017 for a period of one hour. As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the efficiency and performance of the Hub, this update includes database changes and improvements; hence the extended downtime to apply this update.

Apologies for any inconvenience this period of downtime may cause.

e-ELCA Update

Posted on: December 14th, 2017 by Rich Kitchen No Comments

As the new clinical lead for the elearning programme End of Life Care for All (e-ELCA) I am excited about being involved in the programme, helping to shape its future and tell even more people about this fantastic resource.

The elearning programme aims to enhance the training and education of the health and social care workforce so that well-informed high-quality care can be delivered by confident and competent staff and volunteers to support people wherever they happen to be.

HospiceUK conference

We had the exciting opportunity of presenting at the HospiceUK conference in Liverpool last month, as well as having a stand for the three-day duration of the conference. The presentation contained a session on how to navigate e-ELCA, as well as a discussion around educational strategies that could maximise its effectiveness (including blended learning).

We met a number of people at our stand as well as directly after the presentation. Many thanks for all of those who came to speak to us. I hope we were able to answer any queries. If you would like to ask anything please contact me at the addresses below.

Recent developments and future plans

e-ELCA comprises over 160 learning sessions. A key element of their quality is regular review. There is an ongoing programme of updating sessions to ensure they are all up-to-date. If you would have an interest in helping with this process then please get in contact with me.

Recent sessions have been updated in the form of 2.13 (Assessing Urgent Situations with Limited Information), 5.6 (Case study in Motor Neurone Disease (MND)) and 5.23 (Framework for End of Life Care in Advanced Kidney Disease. We are also in the process of updating the whole of modules 1 (advance care planning) and 6 (social care).

The new non-invasive ventilation in MND session is now complete and is soon to be uploaded to module 10 of the programme (specialist content). Please keep an eye out for this. Other sessions in development are culturally sensitive palliative and end of life care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people, and the Amber Care Bundle.

Alongside this new material, we are determined to utilise our current resources to their maximum effect. With this we are developing a communications strategy to keep you as aware as possible of programme developments. We will be utilising Twitter for this as well as regular updates in the APM bulletin and APM trainee newsletter. Please follow @cmf_elca and @HEE_TEL for regular updates.


Rich Kitchen
APM e-ELCA lead
Twitter: @cmf_elca
Youtube: e-ELCA

Learning resource launched to improve care for babies, mothers and families

Posted on: December 7th, 2017 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

A new elearning programme has been launched to help healthcare professionals improve outcomes for babies, mothers and families through the delivery of safer care.

The learning modules, developed by Health Education England elearning for healthcare, NHS Improvement and a range of experts, focus on four clinical areas:

  • respiratory conditions
  • hypoglycaemia
  • jaundice
  • asphyxia (perinatal hypoxia–ischaemia).

An additional module also raises awareness of the importance of keeping mother and baby together.

The programme is part of the Avoiding Term Admissions unto Neonatal units “Atain” initiative, which aims to reduce avoidable causes of harm that can lead to infants born at term (ie ≥ 37+0 weeks gestation) being admitted to a neonatal unit.

For more information about the programme please click here:

Life as a Clinical Lead

Posted on: December 5th, 2017 by Dorothy Keane No Comments

When in June 2010 I began my work as Clinical Lead for the elearning for healthcare Image Interpretation project I could not have foreseen how it would grow and develop over the subsequent years. When we set out to develop high quality materials to support the radiography workforce our remit was to cover the adult skeleton. Having published these sessions the overwhelmingly positive response spurred us to move on to the paediatric skeleton.

These 50 sessions seemed at the time an enormous piece of work, however the project now encompasses over 400 sessions covering the breadth of radiographic practice: all modalities are covered as well as generic subjects such as imaging patients with dementia, learning difficulties and personalising care within radiology. This support has now extended to a wide range of health professionals as well as radiographers.

Over time both the project and my role within it has developed. I have moved to a part-time role with the College of Radiographers; leading a team of authors and editors, designing, writing and scoping content. The project manager and myself spend significant amounts of time updating and revising sessions as well as producing new ones to ensure we reflect current practice and technological innovation. For instance, since 2015 234 older sessions have been updated to ensure they can be used on tablets and phones as well as computer screens.

Throughout the process we have kept to the same principles: high quality, relevance to the profession, responsiveness to feedback, ease of access. Providing a service to the profession as we develop into new areas are what the College values and I personally am very proud of.

I am grateful that after a career in radiography of almost 40 years I have this opportunity to share learning and support colleagues on a national basis. I’m proud of our profession and still have a passion for learning more – something that, on the evidence of the growing cohort of users and the demand for new sessions, is shared across the imaging community.

For more information about the Image Interpretation programme visit:

Dorothy Keane
Image Interpretation Clinical Lead

Achieving professional capabilities in Foundation curriculum

Posted on: December 5th, 2017 by Ed Neville No Comments

If you are you busy trying to achieve your Professional Capabilities on your Foundation curriculum, how about doing some free elearning sessions for Professional Capability 20: Contributes to quality improvement. The sessions are as follows:

  • Audit
  • Evidence Based Medicine in Clinical Practice
  • Common Study Designs in Clinical Research
  • Explaining Evidence/Guidelines/Protocols to Patients
  • Guidelines in Clinical Practice
  • Searching the Literature and Locating Papers
  • How to Review a Paper

They have already been mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum and can be directly recorded in your e-portfolio.

The elearning sessions in Professional Capability: 20 Contributes to quality improvement, look at audit and evidence based practice. It outlines the study designs used in medical practice. You are provided with a guide to developing a structured research strategy which will help you find journal articles relevant to your clinical questions. How to evaluate a journal article is discussed using a linked example paper from the British Journal of Anaesthesia.

For more information about the Foundation elearning programme and to access the learning visit:

Ed Neville
Foundation elearning programme
Clinical Lead

TEL News November 2017

Posted on: December 1st, 2017 by Alex Drinkall No Comments

TEL News is your monthly update keeping you up to speed with all that is Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in Healthcare. TEL NEWs includes information from Health Education England’s (HEE) TEL Programme team, the elearning for healthcare Programme, elearning and Simulation Leads across the local offices and other updates we think you’ll find useful.

Click the following link to access our full publication of TEL News.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies