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Big reception for new Carbon Literacy for Healthcare training

Posted on: June 27th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

The launch event for our new Carbon Literacy for Healthcare training pathway had a fantastic turn out this month, showcasing just how much carbon literacy is needed across healthcare.

The exciting new learning pathway has been developed in collaboration with the Carbon Literacy Project and Greener NHS, and will allow carbon literacy to become more accessible for NHS staff across all roles. The training is split into 2 steps:

  1. an elearning comprising 5 modules that cover climate science and impacts and policy, before focusing on climate change and health and effective climate communication
  2. in-person or online half-day workshop, with a few short home-based tasks. The workshop will focus on practical emission-saving actions in your workplace setting and will be personalised to your organisation and/or workforce group.

If you are interested in becoming Carbon Literate, initial workshops from WRM are available to book – and Greener NHS has kindly pre-funded some workshop places, making your accreditation free! These spaces are limited so we encourage you to book on now.

Based on feedback from sector trainers who found it challenging for healthcare employees to attend full-day live training sessions, this two-stage approach has been developed. The pathway allows learners to complete the initial three hours of their training at their own pace through elearning, conveniently fitting it into their working schedule. After finishing the online portion, learners will participate in a half-day workshop session to complete their training and gain accreditation to become Carbon Literate.

Here’s what Greener NHS had to say:

“The course will ensure healthcare staff can understand the ways in which climate change poses a major threat to our health as well as our planet. Alongside building the skills and knowledge needed to understand how to take action to help the NHS reach carbon net zero. In addition, it will empower health and care staff to effectively communicate the links between climate change and health to their patients, service users and communities, encouraging them to use lower carbon alternatives where clinically appropriate.”

Here’s what Dr Nick Watts, Chief Sustainability Officer at NHS England had to say about our newest offer:

“It is no surprise that efforts to reduce the NHS carbon footprint are being driven from the ground up. We know as health professionals that the links between climate change and health are starkly clear, and NHS staff overwhelming support our net zero ambition. This new Carbon Literacy course will enable us to upskill the health and care workforce and continue to deliver high-quality healthcare now and for future generations. It will provide learners with accessible training to improve knowledge and skills on how to implement net zero solutions in their everyday practice, whatever their role.”

Recording of launch event

You can find the recording from the launch event on the Carbon Literacy Project YouTube channel, where we hear from guest speakers Peter May and Matthew Sawyer and discuss its importance for NHS organisations.

Accessing training

To find out more and access the training, visit the Carbon Literacy for Healthcare training page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies