Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has developed an elearning course to help Pre-registration and Foundation Pharmacists, in the early stages of their careers, make informed career choices and effective applications for future career steps. This course is the latest in a number of bespoke career planning courses developed for health professionals within the elfh career planning programme.
The course will provide Pre-Registration and Foundation pharmacists with a deeper level of understanding of how to ensure future career planning is informed, realistic and robust. The course is based around five sessions, with the first being a course introduction and the remaining sessions concentrating on the four-stage SCAN career planning model:
- Self-awareness which includes reflecting on values, work preferences, skills interests, personality and career stressors
- Career exploration which includes consideration and research of career options available, as well as developing effective networks
- Arriving at your decision which focuses on decision making types and methods as well as how to check the robustness of career decisions
- Next Steps which offers advice, information and examples on CV development, job applications and preparing for interviews as well as effective action planning.
For each session, learners have the opportunity to compile a distinctive, thorough personal portfolio of research and reflections contained in a downloadable workbook, which can be used to support job applications and interviews.
The programme is available via the elfh Hub and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).
For more information about the course visit: