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Posts Tagged ‘children’s healthcare’

New eLearning for occupational therapists working in perinatal mental health

Posted on: October 3rd, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

Three new sessions of the Perinatal Mental Health for Occupational Therapists eLearning programme have been developed in collaboration with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and the NHS England E-Learning for health Programme.

The new eLearning sessions are designed to support staff in improving their knowledge and understanding of perinatal mental health to ensure better practice among parent infant practitioners including midwives, health visitors, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists.

The three new sessions are:

These new sessions were developed by a team of occupational therapists, with valuable input from a midwife and individuals who’ve accessed occupational therapy services. Case studies are based on real life examples and include assessment/intervention plans written by experienced occupational therapists for participants to compare with their own. They build on six existing sessions launched in 2020, covering various aspects of occupational therapy and perinatal mental health.

For more information and to access the programme, please visit the Perinatal Mental Health eLearning programme page.

Interventions guidance aims to support babies, children and young people

Posted on: August 9th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new schedule of interventions tool has been added to the existing interactive pathways elearning programme.

The resource aims to help local commissioners and service providers navigate current guidance and materials within the Healthy Child Programme – the national public health framework for babies, children and young people.

These schedules bring together evidence, guidance, information and resources to describe local prevention and early intervention and ongoing care activities from preconception to adulthood.

It includes information about preconception care, promoting child development, improving child health outcomes and ensuring that families at risk are identified at the earliest opportunity.

Local authorities, the NHS and other partners can use the tool to inform the commissioning and provision of good quality services for children, young people and families at every level of need, from community and universal to targeted and specialist.

For more information and to access the new resource, please visit the Interactive Pathways programme page.

Improving children’s lives by managing procedure induced anxiety

Posted on: May 12th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Procedure induced anxiety affects the majority of children on their journey through the healthcare system and can have long-term consequences on their mental health and wellbeing. This anxiety may be generated by any medical intervention, from the simplest and transient, to the most complex, spanning most of a person’s childhood.

We are excited to share details of a new elearning programme that provides a comprehensive account of research evidence to illustrate the prevalence and consequences of this condition.

Introducing the training, Dr Richard Martin, Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Lead for Procedure Induced Anxiety at Great Ormond Street Hospital, said:

“This outstanding and comprehensive course offers an understanding of the significance of anxiety, how it impacts on a child’s mental health and wellbeing, how to minimise and potentially avoid causing trauma, and how to help children manage anxiety whilst in our care. The course represents what I have always believed should be a core competency in training for anyone caring for children.

“It has been written by an incredible team of experienced professionals working within this super specialty, and practicing across many of the major paediatric centres in the UK. Its publication represents a watershed in the management of children receiving medical care and interventions.”

Until now, there has been little training available around this important area of care, and despite extensive research in this field, few have embraced the lessons that this imparts.  This new training has been created by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in partnership with the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, NHS England elearning for healthcare, and Cambridge University Press.

It offers the reader an in-depth understanding of anxiety management strategies, allowing them to integrate these into their practice, with a view to reducing both anxiety and the consequent psychological morbidity experienced by children undergoing medical interventions.

Dr Richard Martin added: “For longer than any practitioner has been alive, trainees have been inappropriately taught that frightened and anxious children recover quickly from any emotional trauma they sustain, that they quickly forget about upsetting and painful experiences, and that these have no immediate, intermediate or long-term consequences. As a result, many children fail to receive the consideration and care we should strive to deliver, and they and their families should know to expect.

“So it is with these observations that we offer this course to you, and hope to address this area of need.”

Sessions within the eleaning programme cover:

  • Introduction – Anxiety
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Vocal and verbal communication
  • Enhanced communication strategies
  • Procedure-induced anxiety management for neurodivergent children
  • Parental anxiety
  • Premedication
  • Equipment and environment: anxiogenic stimuli
  • An Introduction to elective management and preparation
  • Psychology
  • Play
  • Technology

We would like to take this opportunity to thank The Royal College of Anaesthetists, The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and Cambridge University Press for the opportunity to generate this material, and the incredible, dedicated and professional teams at NHS England elearning for healthcare (elfh) for creating the platform to do so.

Accessing the elearning

To find out more and to access the training, please visit the Management of Procedure Induced Anxiety in Children programme page.

Users will receive a certificate upon completion of the training, which can be added to their portfolio.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies