The collection of four new sessions aim to provide a journey through Stopping Over Medication of People with a learning disability and autistic people (STOMP) and how to bring about these improvements in care that are at the heart of programme. They build on the existing, introductory modules 1-6, and focus on challenging inappropriate prescribing and how people can stay well when medication is reduced.
Developed by NHS England’s eLearning for healthcare programme (elfh) and the MindEd platform in collaboration and partnership with NHS England’s STOMP team, the first three sessionsaimed at specialist health and social care professionals, introduce and explain how inappropriate prescribing can be identified and potentially challenged. They focus on how to consider, monitor and evaluate the reduction of medication and how to identify and manage some of the consequences commonly encountered.
The final session is for people with a learning disability or who may be autistic and their family or other carers. It uses a fictional case study to illustrate how to challenge inappropriate prescribing of medication and what alternatives to medication there are so that you can manage your health and stay well:
- How to challenge and change inappropriate medication
- The consequences of challenging medication use and staying well 1
- The consequences of challenging medication use and staying well 2
- How to stay well after a STOMP medication review and reduction
If you are a person with a learning disability, an autistic person, a family member, support worker or carer, someone with an interest in STOMP or a health or social care professional, there is something for you. Each session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and will have an introduction outlining who the session is aimed at. Some sessions, written for all, have downloadable easy read PDF versions.
Note that while available widely, this content is written with a UK/England context in mind.
For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the MindEd programme page.