Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement to develop an elearning programme that provides information and advice for identifying and responding to sexual assault and abuse.
A sexual assault is any sexual act that a person did not consent to or is forced into against their will. It is a form of sexual violence and includes rape, child sexual abuse and exploitation, or other sexual offences. While sexual assault is not uncommon, many who experience abuse do not tell anyone. Sexual assault can have long lasting physical and emotional effects and early intervention and support is recommended.
The learning resources are aimed at health and care professionals who may be involved in the care of people who have experienced rape, sexual assault and/or abuse.
This programme brings together numerous resources relating to the identification and response to rape, sexual assault and abuse. The programme aims to:
* Increase awareness of all forms of sexual assault (rape, sexual abuse and exploitation) and who is affected by it
* Support health and care professionals to:
* spot the signs of abuse
* understand key aspects of safeguarding relevant to sexual assault in children, adolescents and vulnerable groups
* provide non-judgemental and supportive responses to disclosures of abuse
* Raise awareness of Sexual Assault Referral Centres, which offer forensic, medical, emotional and practical care and advice, as a key service following assault, regardless of whether or not an individual chooses to report the matter to the police.
Learners can access information, view videos and case studies and undertake self-assessments to support learning.
For more information about the free elearning programme, including details on how to access, please visit the Identifying and Responding to Sexual Assault and Abuse programme page.