Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with Pathways Associates to develop a new elearning programme on keyworking services for children and young people with a learning disability, and autistic children and young people.
Keyworking services support children and young people who are at risk of admission, or have been admitted to a mental health hospital, and their families. This programme has been developed to support keyworking teams across England to understand the fundamentals that underpin keyworking, such as culture, values and co-production.
The resource, which has been co-produced with parents and young people, will equip newly appointed keyworkers with the essential knowledge to deliver consistency in keyworking across England. The service works across health, social care and education and this resource provides information for keyworkers at all levels on the following topics:
* Foundations for Keyworking
* Human Rights Approaches
* Understanding the System
The elearning has been designed to help keyworkers chart the most beneficial path for their work with children, young people and families. As the journey of keyworking develops, new knowledge and learning will shape future iterations of this resource.
It is mandatory for all appointed keyworkers to complete this programme as part of their induction, in addition to participating in local and national skills-based training programmes.
For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Keyworking for Children and Young People with a Learning Disability, and Autistic Children and Young People programme page.