MR safety is important all year round but this week focuses on patient and staff safety and advises on best practice.
The primary hazard in MRI is the very strong magnetic field that is produced by the MR scanner – and remember, for most MR scanners, this magnetic field is always on. There is a risk of metal objects becoming strongly attracted to the scanner forming dangerous projectiles, and implants such as heart pacemakers and aneurysm clips being adversely affected. Such incidents have led to serious injuries and fatalities. Implants and other potential contraindications present risks for patients undergoing MRI, therefore MR units must have policies and procedures in place for minimising these hazards.
There are 2 sessions in our Clinical Imaging elearning programme covering MR safety, which can be found in the module: Introduction to Imaging Technologies.
MR safety is covered in more detail in the MRI Safety programme which is structured around the needs of specific MR safety roles and explores the hazards associated with the use of MR equipment and offers guidance on best practice so as to protect patients and staff.
The Society of Radiographers has produced information leaflets relating to MRI safety for services to download, these include pause and check for MRI , safety information for patients, referrers and ward staff . These are all available on the society of radiographers website policy and guidance document library. Their publication Safety in Magnetic Resonance Imaging outlines the professional responsibilities, training, education and practical safety guidance for departments.