Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Health Education England’s National Maternity Team to develop a new elearning programme to support the training needs of allied health professionals (AHPs) working in neonatal care.
The programme consists of an introductory session plus 8 foundation sessions aimed at occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, dietitians and physiotherapists, as detailed below:
Introduction to AHPs in Neonatal Care
Speech and Language Therapy in Neonatal Service
- The role of a speech and language therapist in neonatal care – introduction and background
- The role of the speech and language therapist in neonatal care – principles of practice
Physiotherapy in Neonatal Service
- Introduction to the role of the neonatal physiotherapist
- Neurological assessment of the neonate
Occupational Therapy in Neonatal Service
- Overview of the role and scope of occupational therapy in neonatal services
- Introduction to occupational therapy practice in neonatal services
Dietetics in Neonatal Service
- Introduction to principles of neonatal dietetics Part A
- Introduction to principles of neonatal dietetics Part B
The resource was developed in response to Implementing the Recommendations of the Neonatal Critical Care Transformation Review which highlighted that the role of AHPs in neonatal care differs to practice in older children and adults, demonstrating the need for AHPs with specific skill sets. AHPs play an important role in embedding principles of care that impact all babies on the neonatal unit and beyond, ultimately improving long term outcomes for babies and their families.
For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the Introduction to Allied Health Professionals in Neonatal Care programme page.