A new training module to support the health of military veterans is now available for health professionals interested in veterans’ health matters.
‘Introduction to Veterans Health’ is now live on Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) hub.
Dr Jonathan Leach, Chair of NHS England Armed Forces and their Families Clinical Reference Group, has led the creation of the new module which can be delivered as a lunchtime learning session by NHS Armed Forces Champions (or anyone else suitably interested in veterans’ health matters).
The course takes less than an hour to deliver and consists of:
* Introduction to the needs of military veterans – Facilitator Guide
* The Covenant Film Clips
* Introduction to the needs of military veterans – PowerPoint presentation
* Two ‘top tips’ handouts
This module is part of the NHS Healthcare for the Armed Forces programme which is designed to help healthcare professionals increase understanding of the armed forces population and facilitate improved care and treatment. The programme was developed by HEE elfh with support from NHS England.
For more information about the programme, including the new module, visit http://w ww.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/nhs-healthcare-for-the-armed-forces/.