Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) worked with the College of Paramedics to produce 9 modules on paediatric care for paramedics.
Paramedics and those who work alongside them will find the modules useful when caring for children in different settings. Experienced paramedics, newly registered paramedics, students and assistant practitioners will all find this module helps to build knowledge and confidence.
The paediatrics for paramedics’ modules includes:
- Introduction to paediatrics for paramedics
- Applying safeguarding in practice
- Childhood rashes
- Diabetes in children
- Poisons and toxidrome
- The child with fever
- The limping child
- The child with respiratory distress
- The vomiting child
Within each module, interactive sessions can be accessed on a variety of mobile devices and last approximately 20 minutes.
To register for this elearning module or for more information, please visit the paramedics programme page.