Health Education England elearning for Healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the Northern England Clinical Networks, Keele University, North of England Mental Health Development Unit and ARCH Recovery College to develop a new programme on persistent physical symptoms (previously referred to as medically unexplained symptoms or psychosomatic symptoms).
The Introduction to Persistent Physical Symptoms programme aims to help health and care professionals learn how to work in a helpful and hopeful way with patients who live with persistent physical symptoms.
The elearning provides and overview of persistent physical symptoms; what they are, how they emerge and how they are maintained. It also teaches learners how to provide a helpful and hopeful diagnosis and explanation of symptoms as well as how to work with patients who present with these symptoms in a therapeutic way that moves them towards recovery.
The programme also features a virtual patient consultation session where learners have an opportunity to practice their skills.
More information, including access details, is available on the Introduction to Persistent Physical Symptoms programme page.