Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) to update the elearning programme on radiation safety for colleagues.
e-RADS supports the information, instruction and training required under Regulation 15(1) of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR2017), which requires that colleagues who are not closely involved with work involving ionising radiations are to be provided with suitable information to avoid being unnecessarily exposed. It may also provide a useful introductory/refresher resource for trainees and colleagues working in departments using ionising radiations.
The programme identifies the importance of following the safety precautions that are in place to avoid being unnecessarily exposed and covers the basic principles associated with keeping their own exposure as low as reasonably possible.
Each session within the programme lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes. The programme comprises the following the topics:
- Radiotherapy, including external beam, brachytherapy and unsealed source therapy
- Diagnostic imaging using X-rays, including planar imaging and fluoroscopy
- Diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine
- Interventional radiology and cardiology.
e-RADS was originally developed for national use, with the support of expert authors within the NHS. In 2020, the programme was revised and updated in partnership with the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) to reflect the requirements of IRR2017 and new technologies and techniques involving the use of ionising radiations in healthcare.
For more information and to access the programme, visit the e-RADS programme page.