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Spotting the Sick Child website relaunched

Posted on: October 15th, 2020 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A learning resource that helps healthcare professionals assess acutely sick children has been updated by a team of expert clinicians to ensure its relevance to today’s clinical practice.

Spotting the Sick Child, which is developed by the Department for Health and Social Care and commissioned by Health Education England, features an interactive tool to improve healthcare professionals’ skills in identifying children with serious illness and learning the basics of how to assess children of all ages using clinical footage and evidence-based materials.

The resource is aimed at a range of colleagues including GPs, nurses and health visitors and was developed in response to anxiety over assessing children, as they need a different approach to adults. Spotting the Sick Child’s newly improved website now features additional resources including real life case studies and extensive video footage of real patients.

The website, which is hosted by Health Education England elearning for healthcare, also includes:

  • Symptoms: learn to assess seven common symptoms
  • My Waiting Room: test yourself on real patients at your own pace
  • My Learning: customise your own learning environment and track your progress

Learners will receive a certificate once they complete the course and the resource can be used as a teaching material for others.

For more information and to access this resource, please visit:

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies