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Posts Tagged ‘support’

New online learning session for schools, colleges and mental health teams about bullying and cyberbullying

Posted on: June 13th, 2024 by Charlotte Murray No Comments

In this new session learners can find out more about how to integrate whole school and college approaches for bullying and mental health and wellbeing. This includes what this means in practice for young people, families, schools, colleges and local partners. This final module; Collaborating to deal with bullying, builds on the previous three sessions which explore the causes and effects of bullying on children and young people.

Developed by the MindEd programme in NHS England’s eLearning for healthcare programme (elfh) in collaboration and partnership with experts by experience, the four modules provide up-to-date definitions of bullying and cyber bullying and guides the learner through a range of evidence-based interventions to address bullying in a school or college setting.

Each module takes approximately 30minutes to complete and through the use of scenarios and short narrative videos, they provide practical guidance and learning points on how and when to intervene to prevent bullying or cyber bullying.

For more information and to access the modules please visit the programme page.

New training programme developed to improve pain outcomes for knee replacement surgery patients

Posted on: June 23rd, 2023 by Nicola Kipling No Comments

More than 100,000 total knee replacements are undertaken annually in the UK. The aim of surgery is to reduce pain and improve function, usually due to osteoarthritis. One in five patients who undergo surgery will report chronic, or long-term pain three months afterwards. Chronic pain after knee replacement is multifactorial, with biological, mechanical, and psychosocial contributing factors.

NHS England elearning for healthcare has worked with the North Bristol NHS Trust and the University of Bristol on the STAR Support and Treatment After Knee Replacement Surgery. STAR is a clinically important treatment for patients with chronic pain three months after total knee replacement for osteoarthritis. It is a personalised and multifaceted care pathway which addresses the multiple factors that may contribute to chronic pain through screening, early postoperative assessment, referral for targeted treatment and follow-up over one year.

This was tested in a multicentre randomised controlled trial funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the results are published in the Lancet Rheumatology. Patients who receive STAR have reduced pain, improved recovery and fewer inpatient admissions.

Access the training

To access the training please visit the STAR programme page.

New support tips for education staff now available

Posted on: May 26th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A collection of useful education support tips to help teachers and other education staff to look after each other and improve their own wellbeing in the workplace has been created in partnership with the Education Support Charity and added to Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh)’s MindEd programme.

The tips offer guidance and advice on the following topics:

  • Looking after yourself and each other in education settings
  • Acknowledging loss and bereavement in education settings
  • Dealing with stress and trauma for staff in education settings
  • Tips for team leaders and managers in education settings

Each set of tips has been written by a panel of health and education settings based experts, adapted for the education workforce.

Dr Raphael Kelvin, MindEd Consortium National Clinical Lead said: “Education staff have such a pivotal role in our society. Just as we plant trees now to provide shade for the next generation, we grow our children to be our shared futures. The wellbeing of our teachers, educators and all education staff is central to our children’s educational and social experience and key to their shared successes. We hope these resources will nourish this key endeavour for us all.”

For more information and to access the tips, please visit the MindEd programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies