The London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) has developed a resource to explain what it is like inside an intensive care unit (ICU) to help patients and their families.
ICU survivors and their families have created the Patient and Family Critical Care 360 Tour, together with LTLC and charity ICU Steps, by contributing to content and guiding the look and feel of the virtual environment.
The tour aims to help patients and families understand what happens within ICU and how unwell patients are cared for. It features different components including a guide to the types of staff who may be working within the ICU and views and sounds patients may experience from their hospital bed.
Tubes, wires and equipment that may feature are explained along with resources to assist survivors in making sense of their memories.
A similar resource for staff, Staff 360, is already available. The London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) Critical Care programme page includes resources for healthcare professionals whose roles may have changed as part of the Coronavirus response.
LTLC has worked in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) to develop these resources to support staff. To contact the team, email
The charity ICU Steps can also be contacted for further advice and support.