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Posts Tagged ‘maternity’

Bereavement training updated

Posted on: March 21st, 2024 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Our National Bereavement Care Pathway training has been reviewed and updated to ensure that language is in line with current guidance, and to add links to sources of information and support.

Pregnancy loss and child death impacts a significant number of families each day. The core aims of the training are to improve quality of bereavement care and to reduce variance across services.

Created in collaboration with charities, professional organisations and people with first-hand experience, the training is free to access and can be used by anybody who may come into contact with someone who is bereaved through loss of a baby, including non-clinical professions.

Understanding the needs of couples who have suffered pregnancy or baby loss can build confidence in all staff who are in contact with them, supporting them to approach families and offer care and communication in a parent-centred way. This can reduce further distress and isolation which can impact on the mental health of both parents.

To find out more and access the training, please visit the programme page on elearning for healthcare (elfh).

Maternity resources newly refreshed for healthcare staff

Posted on: December 20th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Three maternity modules within the Cultural Competence elearning programme have recently been reviewed and updated.

The resources support clinicians to gain knowledge and understanding of the issues around culture and health; and how this might reduce disparities in healthcare outcomes. Developed by NHS England, elearning for healthcare and the Royal College of Midwives, the updated modules now include the recent evidence base and literature on culture, the potential impact on health outcomes and lived experience.

They support the delivery of the Better Births vision of improving maternity care in England and helps to deliver the three year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services’ ambition to reduce the rate of stillbirths, neonatal and maternal deaths and intrapartum brain injuries in babies in England by 50% by 2025.

For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the Cultural Competence programme page.

eLearning programme tackles England’s health inequalities

Posted on: August 2nd, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Clinical practitioners across the health and care sector can access training on reducing healthcare inequalities across England.

The resource complements the Core20PLUS5 which identified the following five clinical areas in need of rapid improvement:

  • hypertension case finding
  • chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD)
  • cancer
  • maternity
  • mental health

The elearning resources cover these five areas and includes an additional module on healthcare inequalities among patients of sickle cell disease.

By the end of these modules, learners should have a good understanding of health inequalities within each area and should be able to communicate with patients about their clinical condition and care, support shared decision making with patients from marginalised groups and mitigate barriers in accessing services.

For more information and to access the modules, please visit the Health Inequalities programme page.

Maternity programme developed to explore the key principles of the claims and litigation processes

Posted on: June 23rd, 2023 by Nicola Kipling No Comments

Maternity is a key focus for the NHS Resolution strategy, supporting the National Maternity safety ambition to improve outcomes and reduce harm.

The Maternity Incentive Scheme and Early Notification Scheme support NHS Resolution’s commitment and ambition to support safer maternity care.

NHS Resolution has worked with NHS England elearning for healthcare to explore the key principles of the claims and litigation processes, applied to the context of maternity care.  The programme was developed to deliver the objectives of the Early Notification clinical team at NHS Resolution.

The content for the elearning sessions and case stories was developed for clinicians by the Early Notification team at NHS Resolution and written as a maternity module by the clinical team based at Staffordshire University.

Session 1 – Introduction to NHS Resolution and the law of negligence
Session 2 – Learning from the Early Notification Scheme

To access the course please visit the Maternity Insights programme page.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies