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Posts Tagged ‘Mental Health’

eLearning programme tackles England’s health inequalities

Posted on: August 2nd, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Clinical practitioners across the health and care sector can access training on reducing healthcare inequalities across England.

The resource complements the Core20PLUS5 which identified the following five clinical areas in need of rapid improvement:

  • hypertension case finding
  • chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD)
  • cancer
  • maternity
  • mental health

The elearning resources cover these five areas and includes an additional module on healthcare inequalities among patients of sickle cell disease.

By the end of these modules, learners should have a good understanding of health inequalities within each area and should be able to communicate with patients about their clinical condition and care, support shared decision making with patients from marginalised groups and mitigate barriers in accessing services.

For more information and to access the modules, please visit the Health Inequalities programme page.

New bite-sized sessions support colleagues’ emotional wellbeing

Posted on: July 20th, 2023 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

A new programme to support the emotional wellbeing of mental health crisis colleagues has been developed by NHS England elearning for healthcare.

The series of six bite-sized sessions, created in partnership with national charity Samaritans and NHS England, provides helpful advice and guidance on how colleagues can support their own and others’ emotional wellbeing.

The sessions cover:

  • Myths about suicide
  • Five levels of listening
  • Recognising and challenging negative thinking traps
  • Setting expectations
  • Support versus solve
  • Building resilience

The elearning was developed to support the mental health crisis workforce but is also aimed at psychological professions, social workers, assistant practitioners, art therapists and occupational therapy support workers.

While the 20-minute sessions can be completed individually, the content also complements and builds on the skills and concepts from the Samaritans Listening Skills & Emotional Health (LS) course delivered for NHS England.

For more information and to access the sessions, please visit the Emotional Wellbeing programme page.

Improving children’s lives by managing procedure induced anxiety

Posted on: May 12th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Procedure induced anxiety affects the majority of children on their journey through the healthcare system and can have long-term consequences on their mental health and wellbeing. This anxiety may be generated by any medical intervention, from the simplest and transient, to the most complex, spanning most of a person’s childhood.

We are excited to share details of a new elearning programme that provides a comprehensive account of research evidence to illustrate the prevalence and consequences of this condition.

Introducing the training, Dr Richard Martin, Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Lead for Procedure Induced Anxiety at Great Ormond Street Hospital, said:

“This outstanding and comprehensive course offers an understanding of the significance of anxiety, how it impacts on a child’s mental health and wellbeing, how to minimise and potentially avoid causing trauma, and how to help children manage anxiety whilst in our care. The course represents what I have always believed should be a core competency in training for anyone caring for children.

“It has been written by an incredible team of experienced professionals working within this super specialty, and practicing across many of the major paediatric centres in the UK. Its publication represents a watershed in the management of children receiving medical care and interventions.”

Until now, there has been little training available around this important area of care, and despite extensive research in this field, few have embraced the lessons that this imparts.  This new training has been created by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in partnership with the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, NHS England elearning for healthcare, and Cambridge University Press.

It offers the reader an in-depth understanding of anxiety management strategies, allowing them to integrate these into their practice, with a view to reducing both anxiety and the consequent psychological morbidity experienced by children undergoing medical interventions.

Dr Richard Martin added: “For longer than any practitioner has been alive, trainees have been inappropriately taught that frightened and anxious children recover quickly from any emotional trauma they sustain, that they quickly forget about upsetting and painful experiences, and that these have no immediate, intermediate or long-term consequences. As a result, many children fail to receive the consideration and care we should strive to deliver, and they and their families should know to expect.

“So it is with these observations that we offer this course to you, and hope to address this area of need.”

Sessions within the eleaning programme cover:

  • Introduction – Anxiety
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Vocal and verbal communication
  • Enhanced communication strategies
  • Procedure-induced anxiety management for neurodivergent children
  • Parental anxiety
  • Premedication
  • Equipment and environment: anxiogenic stimuli
  • An Introduction to elective management and preparation
  • Psychology
  • Play
  • Technology

We would like to take this opportunity to thank The Royal College of Anaesthetists, The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and Cambridge University Press for the opportunity to generate this material, and the incredible, dedicated and professional teams at NHS England elearning for healthcare (elfh) for creating the platform to do so.

Accessing the elearning

To find out more and to access the training, please visit the Management of Procedure Induced Anxiety in Children programme page.

Users will receive a certificate upon completion of the training, which can be added to their portfolio.

Urge for practitioners to increase support around internet safety

Posted on: February 3rd, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

People who access support around suicide and self-harm are urging practitioners to have more conversations around online safety.

The plea follows a survey of over 80 people with lived experience carried out by Samaritans, which revealed that almost all respondents (94%) had never been asked by a practitioner about their online activity around these issues.

The survey respondents were all over 18 years old and had experience of suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and self-harm.

Ahead of Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 7 February 2023) we are sharing some key themes taken from the feedback to help practitioners increase support around online activity relating to suicide and self-harm.

We are also highlighting training that is available to assist anybody who provides support around these issues, enabling you to have conversations about online safety.

Asking about online activity

Most respondents to the survey thought that practitioners should ask about online activity when talking about their self-harm or suicidal thoughts or feelings. They said that this could address stigma and make people feel more comfortable talking about their online activities. They felt that these questions could help the practitioner understand people’s suicide and self-harm risk and their support needs better.

 “If they didn’t ask me, I would never talk about my online use for fear they’d think it was weird or wouldn’t understand. By asking it would stop me feeling so embarrassed.”

It’s important to ask in the right way

A small number of respondents worried that these questions could be intrusive. They highlighted the importance of approaching these questions in a non-judgmental way. They said it was important to ask about online activity directly, but that building rapport first can sometimes help people feel comfortable opening up. They encouraged practitioners to make sure there’s plenty of time for the conversation, avoiding interruptions.

“Make sure there’s no judgment or shame in the reaction. Be very careful about getting them to stop. It has to be their decision if they’re going to give up viewing content.”

How practitioners can help people stay safe online

Respondents said that by asking people what they do online in relation to suicide and self-harm, practitioners could help people reflect on their online activity and how it makes them feel. They said that practitioners could help challenge harmful online behaviours and signpost to more supportive online spaces.

Guidance for practitioners on internet safety around suicide and self-harm

The majority of respondents (69%) were concerned that practitioners might have gaps in their knowledge around how people use the internet in relation to self-harm or suicide. They thought they might have negative preconceptions or assume that online issues only affect younger people.

“They think it is a negative thing but sometimes you can get good support from recovery communities… You just need to make sure you follow people who are positive influences and good for you.”

Respondents recommended that practitioners access regular training to stay up-to-date with the latest internet safety knowledge.

Access to training

Samaritans recently launched an elearning course on internet safety, suicide and self-harm in partnership with Health Education elearning for healthcare.

The training takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and gives an introduction to how to support people around their online activity relating to suicide and self-harm. The course is free to access and relevant to anyone providing ongoing care around suicide and self-harm.

Visit the elearning programme now and start these conversations today.

The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: Foundation update (January 2023)

Posted on: January 4th, 2023 by Kieron Bradshaw No Comments

Welcome to your January 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme. This month focuses on the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.  

The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are central to inpatient care. The MCA protects the rights of vulnerable people, and the following group of sessions cover topics such as assessing capacity, consent, patient autonomy and safeguarding. 


The sessions cover key areas in your curriculum on:   

FPC 1: Clinical Assessment 

FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation 

FPC 3: Holistic Planning 

FPC 4: Communication and Care 

FPC 5: Continuity of Care 

FPC 6: Sharing the Vision  

FPC 11: Ethics and Law 

The Foundation elearning programme has been developed specifically for Foundation doctors by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), and is approved by the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO). 

The Foundation programme has a range of other sessions that might help you. Please log in to the programme page to view more.  

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:  

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and are therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easier to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum. 

An evaluation survey is also available to capture feedback on these sessions. 

New programme about children and young people’s mental health now available

Posted on: October 26th, 2022 by Louise Garrahan No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with Health Education England, NHS England and other key partners to develop a new online training platform to help staff caring for children and young people with mental health needs, autism, or learning disability in acute settings.

Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning Disability: Online resources for staff in acute settings has been developed in response to feedback from the system. This learning will help support staff to manage increased demand for children and young people’s mental health services, especially in acute settings.

The programme is aimed at staff working in acute care hospital settings, such as the emergency department or paediatric wards, who would like to enhance their confidence and skills to care for children and young people (CYP) with these specific needs.

The aim is to improve knowledge, confidence and skills to safely care for children and young people with mental health needs, autism, or learning disability.

For more information and to access the resource, please visit the Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning Disability programme page.

New Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space elearning programme launched

Posted on: May 27th, 2021 by Hannah Denness No Comments

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with HM Treasury and the Department of Health and Social Care to develop a new elearning programme about how to help people receiving mental health crisis treatment get help with their debts.

The Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space (MHCBS) programme is aimed at health and care professionals who may be asked to provide evidence for a MHCBS application or to deal with requests from debt advice providers related to a MHCBS.

MHCBS is a debt respite scheme that provides protections for people in England and Wales who are struggling with problem debt and receiving mental health crisis treatment. The protections include pausing enforcement action and contact from creditors and freezing interest and charges on their debts. A MHCBS will help to create time and space for a person to get the treatment they need, without having to worry about their debts growing or their creditors contacting them during their treatment.

This elearning programme explains the scheme, how to complete the evidence form and how to refer someone to a debt advice provider for this purpose. More information, including access details, is available on the Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space programme page.

More information about the MHCBS scheme is available on the website.

elfh is a NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies